

I took this during my sophomore year due to my schedule. In GITA 3 I learned actionscript to create basic animations and games. If you want to check out some of my projects, feel free! Just click on the images and you'll be given an swf file. In order to open these you'll need to download Adobe Flash Player 32.


The image of my avatar was drawn through a pixilart website, and the description was written in CSS and HTML.


Greeting Card

A simple picture drawn through adobe flash with my avatar and some surroundings.


This is a basic animation which shows an endless day to night cycle by looping through each frame drawn by adobe flash.

Retro Game

Not exactly my proudest work, but it's a very short and simple animation of Link cutting down some enemies.

Baby Sloths from Hell

This was group project of an animation of an intro for the fictional game "Hell Sloths".


A button clicking "game" that shows you a tutorial on how the chess pieces work. This is where I was first introduced to the actionscript language and we mainly focused on using buttons to move from scene to scene.

Sound Project

The idea of this project is similar to the tutorial project where you click buttons to move from scene to scene, however, instead of showing animations you get to click on a button that plays a Pokemon cry (if you want to hear the sounds though you'll need to download the mp3 files listed).

Child's Game

In this game you play as a Charizard who blasts a fireball at the opposing Mewtwo to score points. Mewtwo fires a shadow ball back at the player in any random coordinate so if you're unlucky it may land on Charizard and reduce his health. Keep in mind that your fire ball and Mewtwo move to random areas as well.

Pong AI

In this game you play pong against an AI that tracks your movement. The rules in this game are pretty much the same as the original pong.


In this game you play as a submarine by moving with your arrow keys as AI fish swim past you.

Space Oddysey

In this game you are given three different buttons that spawn in astronauts, rockets, or meteors. Each of them have their own functions and animations so play around with them.

The Binding of Isaac (basic)

In this game you are given several different buttons that spawn in different enemies that each have different functions and abilities. Your job, as the player, is to kill as many enemies as you can without dying.